Wix vs Wordpress vs Squarespace Which One is The Best For SEO
Wix vs Wordpress vs Squarespace Which One is The Best For SEO
- Wix, Wordpress, Squarespace. There are so many platforms out there. How do you know whichone’s the best for SEO? Which one should you use? Wordpress is free, Wix cost money Squarespace is also out there. There’s just so many options, how do you know which ones to choose from? They’re all really popular. Before we get started, make sure you subscribe to this channel. If you’re on YouTube click the alert notification. Before we dive into each of the platforms, let’s go over some basic stats that I got from BuiltWith. WordPress currently powers more than 50% of the web. Literally, more than 50% of the web. Wix, according to Built With, they come in second with roughly 7% of all websites and Squarespace, they come in third with over 4% of the websites.

Now 8Tracks which is a SEO tool they actually ran an interesting study comparing Wix V/sWordPress V/s Squarespace. And they were trying to breakdown all right you know which ones drive more traffic and here are some stats that they found out. 46.1% of WordPress domain names get organic traffic against 1.4% of Wix domain names. Now similar Squarespace, they were at roughly 15.1% of search traffic. Now, you’re probably thinking, hey Squarespace, Wix, WordPress, doesn’t that pretty much answer it? No, and even 8 Tracks they weren’t trying to say one was better than the other. The data is pretty much inconclusive and the reason being is well, someone who uses WordPress, could know SEO much more and they can be much more technical. While someone whose using Wix, may not really know SEOas well, for example. So you couldn’t just compare them right? It wouldn’t be an apples to apples comparison.
So let’s go over each platform. WordPress, it’s the most popular one. It’s really good if you’re SEO savvy because there is just so much flexibility and customization that you can on WordPress that you can’t do with other platforms out there. The cool part about WordPress is it’s simple in which you just add in plugins. No matter what you want there’s probably a plugin that solves the problem for you. So some pros, it has a comprehensive list of advanced plugins.
From the Yoast SEO plugin to the all in one SEO pack to broken link checker. It pretty much has plugins that any SEO would need. Support is easy to find because there’s so many people who use WordPress. There’s support forums,there’s videos online. You can find tons of answers even on YouTube. Even on Q and A sites like Quora. They also offer templates,so you can have a website that is already optimized for mobile speed versus one that isn’t optimized for mobile speed. And now let’s get into some cons. If you download too many plugins one, it could effect your site speed but two, if there not all compatible your site can break as well. You don’t necessarily need any technical skill set, but it isn’t as simple as drag and dropping compared to some of the other platforms. So in other words, if you want to customize the experience, a little here a little there, you do need to know some code or you need to hire someone to help you out. Now the second platform Wix, if SEO isn’t your priority and you just want something that’s simple, easy to use, like an easy to use CMS then it’s a great solution for you. Now some pros of Wix, it includes an SEO wizard that optimizes your site automatically. That makes it really easyif you have a new website. It also includes AMP pages. AMP is google’s framework that helps web pages, specifically mobile ones load faster. Now some cons of Wix.
The first big con is there’snot too much customization of metadata, titles, or URLs. Another big one is a lot of time it takes your site a little bit longer to get indexed and the reason being is some of the Wix based sites they use a lot of AJAX which causes some slow down. Also with architecture,it’s more traditional you can’t do a ton ofunique, creative things with architecture to really improve your SEO so if you’re looking for a more modern site architecture that’s very flexible and you can change it from category to category or section to section, Wix is probably not the good fit for that. Now the third platform, Squarespace. It’s good for small, simple sites that don’t require any one to know much about SEO.

Some pros, the site offers really pretty designs and of course they also have some nice site architecture built in. They also allow for custom title tag and metadata which is great and it supports functions like XML sitemaps, store watch. TXC however you can’t really edit them so this is kind of a pro and a con. Now let’s dive in right into the cons. Indexing pages to Squarespace sometimes can be challenging. I’ve seen customers online complain that it can take weeks even months for pages to get indexed. And sometimes this isn’t because of the platform, this could be that the end user isn’t that savvy when it comes to SEO or submitting their site to google.

They also have their own naming conventions for SEO fields like meta description is labeled as SEO description which could cause confusions as well. You can’t really do anything about that. It’s also difficult toadd alt text to images so if you’re looking to get a lot of traffic from google image search you’re not going to have a ton coming from Squarespace. So the bottom line is that all the platforms have pros and cons. I myself, prefer WordPress because it has the most customization out there and if you want someone to help you out, you can find pretty affordable labor on a contractual basis that can help you out for $5, $10, $20 an hour, help you get things up and running. And if you want more done for you services, Squarespace and Wix are easier but they don’t have as much customization.
Originally published at https://codinglikethunder.blogspot.com.