How to Rank 1 on Google in 2020?
SEO for Beginners: How to Rank 1 on Google in 2020? (Step by Step SEO Tutorial)

Do you want to rank #1 on Google? In this Post, I’ll show you the exact SEO strategy I used to rank for highly competitive keywords with 1.8 Million monthly search volume. And the good thing is: if you follow these powerful SEO tips, you’ll be able to rank #1 on Google for not just 1 keyword but for more than 4000 other related keywords in the top 3 of Google search rankings. Hey Digital Learners! But there is a catch here! Unless you watch each and every SEO tips I’m sharing in this video, you are not going to rank #1.
Because, Google rankings algorithms work on more than 200 ranking factors — so learning each of these SEO tips will increase your chances of your #1 Google rankings. Alright!When I was getting started, Search Engine Optimisation was easy. You pick a target keyword, put keyword in the blog title, in SEO title, in the URL slug, in the first 100 words or first paragraph of the article, in alt text of images, in meta description, and then do keyword stuffing up to 4–5%. And within a few weeks, your article would start ranking #1 on Google.
But the problem with that was: many people started spamming the web and then Google had to introduce algorithms to penalise those web pages that weren’t offering any value and just doing keyword stuffing to rank in Google. After consistent Google algorithm changes,SEO has changed a lot in the past few years. Keyword stuffing no longer works. In case you don’t know, Keyword Stuffing is basically putting your target keyword unnaturally in your article multiple times. For example, if my target keyword is: SEO for Beginner and if I write like this: SEO for beginners may look tough when you are getting started in SEO as a beginner.
But once you learn basic SEO tips for beginners,learning advanced SEO tips becomes easy. Because you no longer look like an SEO beginner. Did you notice how I sounded like a robot programmed to speak the same keyword SEO for beginners multiple times in the same paragraph? This is called keyword stuffing. And this is bad for Google rankings. So what powerful SEO tips are good for Google search rankings? And how to rank #1 on Google? Well, here is the step by step strategy to rank #1 on Google: First step to rank #1 on Google is: Decide what keywords you want to rank for. A keyword is basically a search term which people type in Google.
When people say #1 ranking on Google, they want to be seen on top in Google but it’s surprising they don’t even know what keywords they want to rank for and what would a #1 ranking mean for them. For example, if you are a local business in India and you want to rank #1 for your brand name as the search term in your locality. But if you try ranking your website #1 in Google US — that would be a waste of your time and energy because people from the US are not going to purchase from your physical shop in India. So an easier option would be: simply create a Google Business page, ask your local customers for ratings and reviews and bam: you’ll start ranking #1 in Google for your brand name within a week. It’s pretty easy and even an SEO beginner can do this easily.
However, if your brand is not very popular,chances are very few people will search for your brand name in Google. So a better idea would be: try to rank for keywords that your ideal customers are searching and are related to the problem you solve. Once you have got the ideal keywords you want to rank for, it’s time to check your competition and filter out irrelevant keywords. Choosing the right keyword is like half battle won. So be very precise with the keywords you choose. Alright! Once you have got the target keyword that you want to rank for, the next step to rank #1 on Google is: Search for the same keyword in Google and analyze the top 10 search results for that keyword. Try to understand the factors behind the first page ranking of those web pages.

See the site authority, design and user interface,page speed, and other factors like what topics they cover about the keyword, how long and through the article is etc. Once you have got the idea, it’s time to create a monster blog post about that topic. By monster post, I mean, create some thing that’s more informational, covers each and every topic about the keyword, and be as detailed as possible. For example, say you want to rank for the keyword “get more blog traffic” then you need to break down each and every topic about this keyword like: what is blog traffic, why more blog traffic, how to get blog traffic,free or organic ways to get more blog traffic, paid ways to get blog traffic. In fact, you can go even more detailed like how to get blog traffic from Google, Bing, and other search engines. Then how to get blog traffic from Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms. How to get referral traffic from sites like Quora, Medium, Pinterest etc.
You got the idea, right? Well, SEO is queen but content is still the king. Alright! This brings me to step #3 for getting #1 ranking on Google which is: promote your blog post everywhere. You can create the best content out there but if you don’t promote it, no one is going to read. And it has been scientifically proven that social promotion has a direct correlation with Google search rankings. In fact I myself used Facebook and other social media platforms to promote my articles in the early days and later, many of those articles started ranking in Google. In case you are wondering, there are multiple reasons why social media promotion helps in higher search ranking. 1) You get more eyeballs that means more chances of your article being read, liked, shared — and needless to say social engagement is a very crucial ranking signal for Google. And 2)
When people spend time on your article,it sends a positive signal to Google that your article is great that’s why people are spending time reading that and then sharing as well. So use whatever social platform you have got your access to, and promote as hard as you can! Because the more social engagement you get,higher your chances of ranking #1 in Google. Alright! Then the fourth step to ranking #1 in Google search is: Niche down your blog to very specific topics. The reason why I’m emphasising on this is:Few years back, Google introduced EAT algorithm, and EAT stands for: E — Expertise A — Authority and T — Trustworthiness If your blog is about tech gadgets and suddenly you started writing about medicines, then Google will penalise your site and may demote your site rankings as well. Why? It’s because 1) You are a tech guy and don’t have expertise about medicines 2) You are not an authority in the medicine niche and 3)

Your medical prescription isn’t trustworthy. And it’s Google’s responsibility to ensure that someone who isn’t trustworthy, doesn’t get ranked #1 for medicines otherwise he/she will be doing more harm to the health of people searching Google. So it’s pretty obvious that Google wants you to be an expert at the topics you write. And one way to prove your authority is: Simply create more articles on the correlated and similar topics. And a quick pro tip: link your pages internally in such a way that most of the correlated topic pages should be pointing to your primary money page that you want to rank #1 in Google. Alright! Once you have done all these properly, your page would start getting impression for some keywords, and you can find them in your Google search console property. It takes some time to populate this data in your Google search console. So have patience!
And once you have got the keyword impression data, create a list of all those keywords and rewrite the article adding these keywords naturally in your blog post. You may also expand your keyword list by findingLSI keywords and then add them naturally to create even more detailed article. When you do so, you’ll see that you are slowly climbing up in the Google search rankings, and eventually rank on top in Google. Well, obviously these are some powerful SEO tips for beginners and if you implement these, you’ll be able to rank #1 in Google. But in the meantime,

if you have any questions,feel free to ask in the comments below. I’ll try my best to help. And before I share the little SEO secret I promised earlier, question of the day: Which Which SEO tips you liked the most? Let me know in the comments below. And now, it’s time to reveal the little secret SEO hack to instantly boost your search ranking. So as promised in the beginning of this video,here is the answer: No matter what position you are currently ranking in Google search,you can instantly boost your search ranking by adding a relevant video in your article.
Why? It’s because videos are a hot thing on the web currently. Videos increase engagement. So when you add a video, it’ll instantly increase the time spent on your web page because people reading your content will watch videos as well. And suppose the video is 5 minutes longer,people will spend an additional 5 minutes on your web page. Thus, boosting your audience retention.
So a better audience retention will definitely provide you an unfair advantage over your competition. Thus, boosting your search rankings.
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